Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Messy Face Here We Come!

Robby's before, during and after pictures of his first time eating avacados. He pretty much thought they were the best thing ever. So fun to enter into this new phase of baby food.

Rob's uncle gave us a bunch of film camera lenses. We bought a converter and have been enjoying learning how to use them. The manual focusing that they require takes a little bit of extra practice but we are finding it's making us much more versitile.

Spring is definately here. I'm super excited to do some fun, outdoor family shoots here soon! "Like" our Facebook page to get updates for some Super Spring Savings! =)

Everyone have a fablulous day!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wegener Family

We had a lot of fun doing this shoot. Although, I must say the weather didn't cooperate at all. We must have picked the windiest day so far for this winter. Our outside shoot didn't last very long, to say the least. We made a rain check, or should I say, wind check, for another time. Needless to say, everyone was great sports and we were able to get some great studio shots of this beautiful family.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Up and Running!

Well, here we go! Cimbalik Photography officially has a blog! I was inspired by my other dear, blogging friends, Nina and Julie to take the leap and create one. Bear with me, as I am new to all this and am slowly but surely figuring things out. I am excited to use this blog as a place to share our journey as my husband, Rob and I embark on this fantastic journey together in photography. Even though we just started a few months ago, I am totally hooked. Photography is such a magical gift. To be able to capture precious moments, priceless smiles and Cimbalik symbolic memories is such a delight!

One of the great things about embarking on this photography journey is being able to practice on this little cutie! Who is this darling little guy? He's ours. =) A blessing from the Lord that lights up everyday in some way or another. It's great cause he is super photogenic (and he knows it) and has a smile that lights up any room and any heart. He is growing up so very fast! Five months on Friday! Where does the time go? We love to capture the precious moments that go by so fast and know we will cherish them in years to come. 

    The Best Little Subject...

Keep checking back for more updates and pictures. You can always check out and "like" our Facebook page. I hope everyone has a blessed day! 
